All prospective educational consult and advocacy clients are encouraged to complete an important information packet, here:
Wanzenberg and Associates Client Packet
Families interested in Executive Functioning coaching can access the EF intake packets here:
Wanzenberg and Associates EF Packet (Parent)
Wanzenberg & Associates EF Packet (College Student/Adult)
If you are interested in applying for one of the limited spaces of Spring 2025 EFT Small Group EF, you can access the application here:
Spring 2025 EFT Student Application
Once you have saved your info, locally, on your computer please return email, fax, or mail the document to W&A at your convenience.
Please feel free to download our brochure that outlines our services here:
Wanzenberg and Associates Brochure
Once this packet is completed and returned to our office, we will generate an engagement agreement for your review.
Please contact Dr. Wanzenberg to arrange for a time to discuss consent for exchange of confidential information and the W&A Engagement Agreement which outlines services, fees, and conditions of our consultation services.
Please do not forward confidential information in advance of a signed engagement agreement.
At a scheduled strategy session, we ask that you bring:
- All school documents related to interventions, student performance, including disciplinary information, if applicable
- All relevant home to school correspondence
- All formal support documents (IEP’s, 504 plans, evaluative information). We value longitudinal data, and prefer the entire IEP file for our review. We feel the last three IEP’s and the last Re-Evaluation are essential for our service to students with IEP’s.
- A general timeline of your child’s services, particularly as they relate to your request for educational services
- Any third party evaluative materials (e.g., neuropsychological evaluations, hospital records of note, reading assessments, and screenings)
- A list of your child’s external caregiver network with contact information, including physicians, therapists, caregivers, and other relevant individuals
- Grades and standardized tests scores, if available
We pride ourselves on a great deal of flexibility in scheduling our sessions at a time that is convenient for families. Weekend and evening hours are available as mutually agreeable