What is Executive Functioning?
(detailed brochure available for download, here)
Intake packets for Executive Functioning available here
Wanzenberg and Associates Executive Functioning Coaches with Dr. Peg Dawson, Cove School January 13th, 2017
Executive Functioning Skills are an entree of interrelated abilities that help us manage:
- Time-oriented tasks, task monitoring, and effective budgeting of time
- Accurately assessing the demands of a task, along with an understanding of the variables that may impact these demands
- Initiation (starting), inhibition (stopping), and self-regulation (monitoring) of certain behaviors
- Maintenance of focus and development of resiliency during stressful tasks
- Accurate appraisal of strengths and needs and development of a sense of a learning profile
Wanzenberg and Associates was founded, in part, to provide support for students who exhibit various and concomitant executive skills dysfunction or inefficiency:
Initiation: the ability to begin a task independently
Inhibition: the ability to stop a behavior at the appropriate time
Maintenance: sustaining attention during a task and developing task routines
Flexibility: moving from one activity to another and adapting to various academic demands
Organization of Materials: imposing order on school materials and storage spaces
Forecasting: the ability to manage current and future demands, including time and task management; includes assessment and budgeting of required resources
Self-Directed Behavior: the ability to self-monitor oneself, maintain awareness of one’s own capabilities/limitations, and functionally advocate for one’s own needs
Working Memory: the ability to retain information in the moment while solving multi-step problems
Emotional Control: modulation of emotional responses by bringing rational thought and coping strategies to the situation
The capable and caring staff at Wanzenberg and Associates provide assessment and researched-based instruction in support of these unique needs.
Our passion for executive functioning skills improvement arises from our experiences in a variety of educational and vocational settings. We often observe that these needs are often “accommodated away” without intervention and commonly marginalized as willful behavior by many school teams. We feel strongly that executive functioning deficits are often an important part of a hidden curriculum that many students need to be taught deliberately.
Dr. Wanzenberg has taught graduate level coursework to teachers and administrators in the planning and implementation of our executive functioning skills curricula.
Our coaches are peak performing, certified educators with a high degree of knowledge and experience in case management of students with learning differences. We work tirelessly to develop student-centered plans that tailor the strengths and needs of the student to the competencies and personality of the specific coach.
Typically, executive skills instruction is conducted 1-2 sessions a week at our office in Glen Ellyn. We have also made arrangements for service provision in a supervised home, study alcoves of your local public library, and other public spaces.
Each student’s executive functioning skills portfolio is developed with ample evaluative information, realistic timelines, and opportunities for ongoing support and feedback. We pride ourselves on a high degree of communication with the family.
The student and family always contribute to a set of goals statements that drive the intervention plan. Most intervention intervals occur within a 6 month period, although in some cases, is supported on an ongoing basis as academic demands increase and change.
While the model is designed to support the needs of a broad range of learners, our curriculums especially effective for students with Autism Spectrum Needs, Twice Exceptional Learners, and students with a variety of affective disorders.
A detailed brochure regarding these unique services is available here.
Below you will find a sample overview of our EF sessions, for students who require support for time and task management:
Please contact us for an overview of our services in this area and how we might be able to meet your child’s needs.